Power BI Thin Reports, Real-world Challenges

I previously explained in a blog post what thin reports are and why we should care about them. I also explained Report Level Measures in another blog post. In this post, I try to raise some real-world challenges we face when developing thin reports. I also provide a solution to those challenges.

Report Level Measure Related Challenges

Creating and using Report Level Measures is relatively easy, but there are some challenges that we face from time to time, such as:

  • Distinguishing Report Level Measures from Dataset Level Measures
  • Report Level Measure dependencies

Determining Report Level Measures from Dataset Level Measures

One of the challenges that Power BI Developers face is creating many report level measures. Unfortunately, Power BI Desktop currently uses the same iconography for both types of measures, making it hard to distinguish the actual measures created within the dataset from the report level measures. It gets even more

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Dispatches from Ukraine. Day 248.

As Russia’s attack on Ukraine continues and the war rages on, reliable sources of information are critical. Forbes gathers information and provides updates on the situation.

By Polina Rasskazova

During the day, the Russian Federation lost more than 500 military personnel, 19 tanks and 23 armored vehicles, 1 plane and 1 helicopter, and 5 drones in the war against Ukraine, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported. According to the general staff, since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine, the Russian army has lost more than 70,000 personnel, 2,659 tanks, 273 aircraft, 252 helicopters and 351 cruise missiles. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Ukraine is preparing for the notion that the current Russian leadership will look for any new opportunities to continue the war. “Although Russia is trying to increase the pressure on our positions by using mobilized people,

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Marketing Podcast with Carmine Gallo

Carmine Gallo, guest on the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast

In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, I interview Carmine Gallo. Carmine is the bestselling author of Talk Like TED and The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs. He is a Harvard instructor, CEO communication coach, and keynote speaker known for transforming leaders. He’s the author of a new book we’re talking about called – The Bezos Blueprint: Communication Secrets of the World’s Greatest Salesman.

Key Takeaway:

What fueled Amazon’s astonishing growth? Effective, clear communication. Jeff Bezos turned a bold idea into the world’s most influential company, a brand that likely touches your life every day. As a student of leadership and communication, he learned to elevate the way Amazonians write, collaborate, innovate, pitch, and present. He created a scalable model that grew from a small team in a Seattle garage to one of the world’s largest employers. Carmine Gallo joins me in

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Make Time for Gratitude 

by ActionCoach PJ Weiland 

“Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude 

for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.” — Zig Ziglar 

Why Is Gratitude Important? 

Studies show there are many benefits to acknowledging our blessings and expressing gratitude to others. Here are just a few: 

  • Shields you from negativity 
  • Giving thanks can make you at least 25% happier 
  • Rewires our brain to see gratitude 
  • Eliminates stress 
  • Heals our sense of being injured 
  • Improves sleep quality 
  • Boosts your self-esteem 
  • Enhances the law of attraction: we are naturally attracted to those who show kindness. 
  • Improves your relationships with others at work and in your personal life 
  • Saying thank you motivates others to perform better 

Ways to Cultivate Gratitude 

You can practice gratitude in your daily life in so many ways. Test one

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Slowly changing dimension (SCD) is a data warehousing concept coined by the amazing Ralph Kimball. The SCD concept deals with moving a specific set of data from one state to another. Imagine a human resources (HR) system having an Employee table. As the following image shows, Stephen Jiang is a Sales Manager having ten sales representatives in his team:

SCD in Power BI, Stephen Jiang is the sales manager of a team of 10 sales representatives
Image 1: Stephen Jiang is the sales manager of a team of 10 sales representatives

Today, Stephen Jiang got his promotion to the Vice President of Sales role, so his team has grown in size from 10 to 17. Stephen is the same person, but his role is now changed, as shown in the following image:

SCD in Power BI, Stephen's team after he was promoted to Vice President of Sales
Image 2: Stephen’s team after he was promoted to Vice President of Sales

Another example is when a customer’s address changes in a sales system. Again, the customer is

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