General Articles

Is Your Business Utilising These Five Tech Trends?

The pace of change and innovation in the tech industry is relentless. So what are the main trends and how can your business make the most of them?

Industry, Industry 4, 0, Internet Of Things, Project

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Cloud Storage

The advent of the cloud has given organisations increasing flexibility in how they manage, store and share files. The paperless office is becoming more of a possibility as documents can be stored online and can be accessed by the relevant people from anywhere in the world as long as there is a reliable internet connection. Cloud storage solutions such as Google Drive, Onedrive and Dropbox offer affordable options for businesses. These solutions can reduce paperwork and make collaboration easier.

In 2018, approximately 3.6 billion internet users accessed cloud computing services, up from 2.4 billion in 2013.

VoIP Technology

Many businesses rely heavily on their telecommunications systems. VoIP offers highly cost-effective, reliable and easily customisable solutions. Together with low …

General Articles

Free Visitor Management Systems: DoThey Exist?

System Can Manage Workplace Safety

Visitor management refers to recording the number of visitors to public buildings. By gathering the data, a system can track the usage of the facilities by visitors. A system like this can help manage workplace safety.

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Many basic systems have a desktop application or app where an employee can input the details of the visitors. Visitor management is not just about recording the number of visitors. It also provides information on the location of people in the building should an emergency occur and the site require evacuation.

It’s an added bonus if the system has functions which enable the identification of visitors who are not permitted on the premises. Many of the systems will have elaborate functions due to the fact that safety is the primary aim. The system also requires a secure platform where the identities of visitors can be protected against …

General Articles

Theimportance of auditing your content

When it comes to marketing your business,content is one of the most important elements. Content is pointless unless ithelps to support your customer’s journey with your business. Whilst it’s vitalto have a high-performing website and fresh, relevant content, it’s also crucial to hold regularaudits of that content.

Imagine your site is like your car. If you fail to carry out regular servicing and maintenance, the performance will start to decline. Content should be treated in the same way. Things become out of date quickly, links can get broken and poor content hangs around too long making the site inefficient.

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How to carry out an audit

The hard way is to trawl the internet and gather all your authored content into one central location. Come up with some standards that the whole team can grasp and put into practice.

Sounds tough, doesn’t it? Without a way to collect …